Welcome to See Me Be

See Me Be CIO: The Story So Far

See Me Be CIO was founded by Occupational Therapist Lucy Moules in March 2020.

Having spent the majority of her career working in learning disabilities teams across the South West, Lucy started a family in 2017 and, upon her return to work from maternity leave in 2018, was deeply frustrated to discover that there had been no change in the availability of opportunities for people with learning disabilities while she had been away.

Lucy repeatedly met people who would experience deteriorations in their mental and physical health, in part due to limited time spent doing something they enjoyed and having few identified roles and responsibilities.

The seeds for See Me Be CIO had been sown.

A passionate advocate of the rights of people with a learning disability, it is Lucy’s firm belief that everyone has the right to work and to be paid fairly for the work they undertake. Research conducted by Mencap in 2019 indicated that only 5.1% of adults with a learning disability known to their local authority in England are in paid work (NHS Digital, 2021) — while in Wiltshire, only 47 people with a learning disability and known to the local authority were in paid employment in 2020.

It’s time that we take proactive steps to radically change these figures for the better.

See Me Be looks to open up doors and opportunities for young people with learning disabilities. As an organisation, we believe that we can all be so many different things in this world.

We want to empower people with a Learning Disability to be seen for who they are: individuals with merit and purpose who can play active roles in their families, friendship groups, homes, work and communities.

See Me Be Me, See Me Be Bold, See Me Be Amazing, See Me Be More!
